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Monday, February 13, 2012

Presentation on Common Core and Technology

How the talk works:
1. Define the CCSS standards with technology.
2. Define literacy and technology as intersection of collaborative inquiry, reading comprehension, content construction.
3. Show the Chief Almir video. Highlight how real life literacy to change the world involves technology.
4. Define how different tools align with CCSS.
5. Show the Orbitz video as metaphor to using tech for tech sake. Only use the tech if it enhances your pedagogical goal.


jgmac1106 said...

Much of this work was created Polly Parker of Lower Pioneer Valley Education Collaborative. She is a leader in the integration of technology and the CCSS

The Reading Board said...

Awesome resource for schools! Is it ok to share this at my school?

jgmac1106 said...

Of course thats why I share. Polly and I will be doing a revised presentation at MassCue this year with a greater focus on how edtech actually makes it more efficient and effective to track growth in student conceptual knowledge and practices. I will upload it when we are done.